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Services (3)

  • Ultrasonografi

    Ultrasonografi (USG) adalah prosedur pengambilan gambar dari bagian tubuh tertentu. Ini dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan gelombang suara frekuensi tinggi. Apa saja yang dapat diperiksa? 1. Pemeriksaan Abdomen 2. Pemeriksaan Reproduksi 3. Pemeriksaan Jantung Sen - Sab: 10.00 - 20.00 Min: 10.00 - 17.00 Hol: 10.00 - 15.00

  • Konsultasi Umum

    Mencari nasihat profesional tentang kesehatan hewan peliharaan Anda? Jadwalkan Konsultasi Umum dengan dokter hewan ahli di Maxim Pet Care. Tim dokter hewan profesional kami akan memberikan nasihat dan bimbingan yang baik untuk menjaga hewan peliharaan Anda tetap sehat dan bahagia. Senin - Sabtu: 08.00 - 21.00 Minggu: 08.00 - 19.00 Libur: 08.00 - 17.00

  • Dr Drh Setyo Widodo

    Dokter internis atau dokter penyakit dalam bertugas untuk menangani pasien dengan gejala medis akut dan jangka panjang. Mereka punya keahlian khusus dalam penalaran diagnostik, mengelola ketidakpastian penyakit, menangani komorbiditas, dan mengenali kapan pendapat atau perawatan khusus diperlukan. Dr Drh Setyo Widodo adalah internis Maxim Pet Care, dengan 40 tahun pengalaman kerja Medis Khusus: 1. Penyakit Jantung 2. Hematologi dan Penyakit Tumor 3. Penyakit Ginjal dan Hipertensi 4. Penyakit Syaraf 5. Penyakit Geriatri 6. Penyakit Dalam 7. Pembedahan Major dan Minor

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Vet Talks (1)

  • When is the Best Time to Sterilize?

    The Golden Time to Sterilize June 2020 Some people may ask questions like "Doc, if i want to sterilize my kitty, how old do you think?" or "Doc, can my dog ​​/ cat be sterile or not?" The questions above are the frequently asked questions by some of our clients, and the answer is Yes! However, this needs further consideration by the veterinarian. Sterilization in males is known as castration, and sterilization in females is known as ovariohisterectomy. Sterilization helps control the dog and cat population in your neighborhood. In addition, sterilization helps reduce the level of fighting during the mating season, reduces animal noise during mating season, reduces spraying and marking activities, helps maintain health, and reduces the risk of reproductive diseases in the future. Kitten According to quotes from various journals of the American Association of Feline Practitioners, the best time to sterile kittens is when the animal weighs 1 kg, and is at least 6 weeks old. Some practitioners around the world may use these criteria as a recommendation "When" is the golden time to be sterile. Many considerations are beneficial when sterilization focuses on pediatrics. Young animals have very high rates of tissue growth and repair, kittens will bleed less than adult cats, and are more responsive to pain treatment than older cats. So, your little one's recovery will be more comfortable without feeling pain after surgery. It should be noted that early sterilization of kittens is not associated with serious health problems and does not appear to affect skeletal, physical, and behavioral development. Puppy A few decades ago, recommendations for sterility in adult dogs were applicable at any age. While the puppy recommendation is after passing the first puberty. However, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has recommended the best time when weights 1 kg and are at least 8 weeks old. Puppy recovery rates also tend to be high, as is the case with kittens. And the most important thing is to avoid inherited reproductive diseases or breed-borne reproductive diseases. Both types of animals will experience changes after sterilization. In male castration, habits such as 'spraying and marking' in unfamiliar areas will be more quiet and friendly. Competitor traits may decrease among other dogs / cats, resulting in decreased fighting rates. Sterilizing the female will eliminate the heat cycle. Usually 'the heat' is characterized by vocalization or animal noise in attracting male attention. This sterilization prevents males from coming to your house. Female cats are in heat for 5 to 7 days, 3 to 6 weeks. While female dogs are in heat for 6 to 12 days, twice a year. This varies depending on the breed and the individual animal. In large or giant dogs, the likelihood of heat is once a year. When the mating season arrives, the female heat will release 'pheromones' that attract males. Loops bleeding in female dogs may occur in the vicinity of household furniture, and the scent of these 'pheromones' is very attractive to males to a large radius. That's why your male dog can disappear 6 to 12 days when mating season arrives, as can male cats. Opinion of Indonesian Veterinarian Due to the sensitivity of young (pediatric) animals to anesthesia, the safety of the pediatric individual, and the caution of veterinarians in pediatric anesthesia is very varied, so veterinarians in Indonesia consider postponing the sterile period. Some veterinarians in Indonesia use the criteria for male castration, at least one month after the descensus testiculorum (time of descending the testicle into the scrotum), for easy testicular outreach. This period generally occurs around the age of two months. Whereas in females sterilize, at least they have gone through the first estrous cycle, which means that the animal has reached puberty and is already showing symptoms of heat. The average age for dogs and cats to reach puberty is 6 months. Editor: Drh Mahardhiko Widodo Reference: American Association of Feline Practitioners. AAFP Position statement: Early spay and castration. AAFP website. Diakses Juni, 2020. American Veterinary Medical Association. AVMA Animal health & welfare: Elective spaying and neutering of pets. AVMA website. Diakses Juni 2020. Root Kustritz MV. Early spay–neuter: clinical considerations. Clin Tech Small Anim Pract. 2002;17:124-128. Hoffman JM, Creevy KE, Promislow DEL. Reproductive capability is associated with lifespan and cause of death in companion dogs. PLOS One. 2013;8(4):e61082. VCA. 2020. Know your pet: Estrous cycles in dogs and cats. VCA website. =Most% 20dogs %20come%20into%20heat,cycle%20once%20every%2012%20months. Diakses Juni 2020.

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Vet Brief (8)

  • Our Technician | Maxim Pet Care

    Title Our Tech Vet Team Team work is the greatest team Cepih Hermanto Groomer Teknisi Vet M Rio Saputra Groomer Teknisi Vet Ibnu Teknisi Vet Misrun Groomer Teknisi Vet Wildan Yusuf Teknisi Vet Rifki Teknisi Vet Ahmad Muthohirin Groomer Teknisi Vet Agis Teknisi Vet Agung Teknisi Vet

  • Our Vet | Maxim Pet Care | Indonesia

    Our Team Vet Doctors Team work is the greatest team Dr Drh Setyo Widodo Senior Vet Advisor Internist Drh Voni Nelwan Clinician Drh Gusnanda Maori Clinician Drh Ida Handayani R Clinician Drh S Mahardhiko Widodo Clinician

  • Price | Maxim Pet Care

    Harga Kami memahami bahwa Anda juga perlu mengetahui seluruh harga jasa dan pelayanan kami di Maxim Pet Care. Seperti halnya berbelanja kebutuhan pribadi, Anda pasti akan memilih karena mengetahui harga tersebut sesuai atau tidak. Kami ingin lebih dekat dengan Anda, bahkan sebelum Anda memutuskan datang ke klinik Kami. Persetujuan Klien Read More Kami berjalan atas persetujuan Harapan Kami, semua keputusan Dokter Hewan akan menuntun Anda dalam memilih pilihan terbaik bagi pasien maupun klien melalui informed concern. Jasa konsultasi Dokter Umum 75.000 Konsultasi Jasa konsultasi Internist 200.000 Konsultasi Vaksin Tricat 200.000-250.000 Kucing Vaksin DHPPi 250.000-300.000 Anjing Vaksin Rabies 200.000 Anjing-Kucing Corona 220.000 Anjing Tes Mikroskopis Feses 50.000 Diagnostik Tes Mikroskopis Kulit 75.000 Diagnostik Tes Mikroskopis Natif 50.000 Diagnostik Tes Mikroskopis Darah 50.000 Diagnostik Tes Hematologi Lengkap 100.000 - 250.000 Diagnostik Tes Fungsi Kimia Darah 500.000 - 1000.000 Diagnostik Jasa Interpretasi Lab Internist 100.000 Interpretasi Lab Urinalisis 50.000-150.000 Diagnostik Tes Golongan Darah DEA 500.000 Paket Tes Tes Fluoresensi Mata 30.000 Diagnostik Test kit Ag / Ab Virus 150.000 - 300.000 Diagnostik Test kit Ab Parasit Darah 200.000 - 300.000 Diagnostik USG Kebuntingan 225.000 Diagnostik + Jasa USG Abdomen 350.000 Diagnostik + Jasa X-ray 500.000-750.000 Diagnostik + Jasa Skin Treat 50.000 Treatment Ear Treat 75.000 Treatment Eye Treatment 50,000 Treatment Infusi / Layanan Infus 150.000 Treatment Nebulizer 75.000 Treatment Test Kit Ag/Ab Virus 100.000 - 200.000 Diagnostik Konsultasi Vaksinasi Diagnostik Perawatan What Our Clients Say Name, Title "I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Let your customers review you and tell their friends how great you are."

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