Do you need to brush your teeth?
Dr Mahardhiko Widodo
August 2024
Every time a dog or cat eats, within 4 hours a " plaque " will form, a thin biofilm covering the teeth which will become a good growth medium for bacteria. The anabul's ability to clean its teeth is only if it is used to eating dry food and dental snacks. However, what if the anabul is a picky eater? It is very possible that he will get used to eating foods that easily form plaque. Once formed, it will stick and accumulate day after day, week after week, and signs of bad breath will appear. Plaque is formed by bacteria, salivary products, and feed particles.
The accumulated plaque is called tartar. Once tartar appears in the mouth, tooth and mouth damage has occurred. Why? Because the metabolism of growing bacteria produces enzymes that cause damage to teeth, gums and jaw bones. Over time, it results in inflammation such as gingivitis and periodontal disease. Animal mouth disease can cause foul-smelling breath, this develops very easily, and if severe requires action by a veterinarian, and possibly the extraction of several teeth that are rotting down to the roots. Generally doctors recommend dental scaling and dental surgery. It is important to know carefully that the main goal is to prevent tartar from appearing again, preventing inflammation and tooth loss. For this reason, as a pet owner, starting small habits such as dental care at home is key, and planning with a doctor to regularly check the child's oral health.
Stages of Tooth Damage
Nice Job! - Healthy mouth
No plaque or tartar was found on the teeth. Gums look healthy and pink. There are no abnormalities in the teeth. Brushing your pet's teeth every day is ideal.
Stage 1 - mild gingivitis
If you pay attention, you will see redness and inflammation at the boundary between the teeth and gums. It may not be complete, but plaque begins to form slowly. Start taking care of your animal's teeth every day from now on.
Stage 2 - moderate gingivitis
The whole gum is inflamed! It appears reddish and inflamed at the boundary between the teeth and gums. Pain when eating may occur and bad breath. Opportunities for bacteria to damage the roots of the teeth and spread through the blood capillaries. In this condition, bacteria can spread to other organs of the body. There's no time left, start considering your health by going to the doctor and scaling.
Stage 3 - severe gingivitis
Mouth pain becomes a sign, and the animal experiences hypersalivation or drooling all the time. Tartar is easily visible to the naked eye. Inflammation occurs throughout the gums like cherry red! The bacteria has spread to other organs, and the tartar hardens into calculus or petrification. The heart and kidneys may experience serious inflammation. Dental Scaling and surgery are needed to evacuate several decayed teeth. Home care will unfortunately become a routine activity from now on, to prevent mouth pain, tooth loss and infections in the future
Stage 4 - End-stage periodontal disease
Chronic infections occur, destroying part or all of the mouth, teeth, gums, and possibly the jawbone. The spread of bacteria or sepsis has occurred in the heart, kidneys and liver. Dental Scaling and surgery are needed as soon as possible to evacuate some or all of the decayed teeth. Home care will unfortunately become a routine activity from now on, to prolong the child's life expectancy.
Don't be discouraged, because your little one never refuses any food we give. Choose good food, think about dental snacks and take care of your dental health from now on.
Actions that may be needed in Scalling-Dental Surgery
Pre-anesthesia blood profile . Anabul needs to be examined hematologically and blood chemistry for appropriate anesthesia and surgical protocols including pain medication management.
Insertion of an intravenous (IV) catheter and infusion therapy , required for injection treatment, includes anesthesia protocols. IV infusion helps maintain body temperature and blood pressure which are vital for the body's organs.
Anesthesia and Monitoring Process , in the anesthesia procedure, the child will monitor breathing, inhalation and oxygen, heart and lung rhythm, pulse, oxygen saturation, ECG, and blood pressure in monitoring the patient.
Complete oral exams, in this procedure a thorough assessment of the entire mouth is carried out, including teeth, gums, tongue, and bones of the upper and lower jaw to assess swelling, decay, tumor masses, bleeding, and calculus.
Dental scaling , using an ultrasonic scaler to clean plaque and tartar, especially on the biofilm, between the teeth, until it reaches the lower gum line. This procedure is similar to scaling in a human dentist
Tooth Evacuation and Extraction , some dead teeth are rotting down to the roots, must be evacuated by removing the tooth because it is the main door for the spread of bacteria or sepsis. Antibiotics are required during surgery and home care.
Pain management , like living creatures that have a good quality of life, babies will be prioritized to receive local anesthesia, painkiller injections, and prescription drugs to control oral health and pain at home.
Author: Dr Mahardhiko Widodo
Reference: Royal College Vet 2024